7 Tips On How To Increase Your Pageviews And Decrease Bounce Rate

| Sunday 16 June 2013

7 Tips on How to Increase Your Pageviews and Decrease Bounce Rate

So you started a blog or you already have one, then you know that if you want to become a successful blogger and increase traffic to your blog, there are a lot of things that you should take care of : SEO and Internet Marketing, for example.
Increasing page views and decreasing bounce rate in your site is essential, above all if you decide to monetize your traffic through Google Adsense, Infolinks or other programs that rely on pay per click campaigns or pay per impression.
In other words, you want that your visitors stay on your site as much time as possible, and increase the number of pages that they will visit.
And talking about make money online, you know that more page views equals more clicks, more impressions or more sales.
Here below you find a list of tips, that you should consider in order to raise considerably the number of page views per visitor, thus increasing the impressions and, consequently, decrease the bounce rate of your site.

1 . Create a lot of Quality Content

This is always the best tip and the basic rule to follow : create high quality content.
Of course the more articles you produce, the more information can read your visitors and the more content the search engines will crawl.
But keep in mind, that you do not have to copy content just to produce more pages for your site.
Be sure to follow some basic rules : write something interesting to your audience, write correctly in your language, use properly text and images, integrate the content with social media and optimize in SEO terms.
If you are able to create quality content, visitors will be encouraged to prolong their visit in your site, with the benefit of growing your page views.

2 .  Create Internal links

Remember to insert internal links, when you produce new content. When you write about a topic, that can be related to an article that you already wrote and it is in your archive, be sure to make a link that send the user to that specific old post.
Of course use the right number of internal links for each post, do not abuse and link only if it is really related to that specific topic.
Internal linking, not also allows your visitors to read several of your articles on specific subjects, but this is also very useful in terms of SEO.
Google loves internal linking. So be sure to use this method when you write new posts.
Of course this practice will increase your page views.

3 . Insert Related Articles

At the end of each of your posts, you should let your readers know about related articles, that they should be interested about. In this way, the bounce rate of your blog will decrease.
I use “WordPress Related Posts” , that will generate a number of related posts (that you can set), below each of your article, with relation of the tags that you used.
First, the “Related Articles” method, serve to increase the page views, as your goal.
Second, it gives you advantages in the rankings on Google, because its algorithm rewards them.
Finally, this practice also serves to significantly improve the user experience, which may want to read other similar information to what he already consulted.

4 . Use an Internal Search Engine

Often, your visitors may want to search in your site some old articles or find some specific information, with help of some keyword. Then the internal search function could help them.
It is important that you make available to your visitors a good service like this. Some WordPress Themes already include the internal search engine, some others not.
I use a blog theme called Fresh News, and it is from WooThemes. As you can see there is an internal search engine in the top right of the blog.
I highly recommend WooThemes and it is definitely worth investing in.

5 . Create Lists of Posts

In order to create a list of posts, for istance, you can insert in your pages a sidebar with a list of most viewed articles or most commented ones.
This sidebar will attract the curiosity of your visitors and they may want to click on those links. As a result, your page views will increase.
I use “WordPress Popular Posts plugin, that let you put a widget in your sidebar, and it will show your most important posts, listed per views or comments.

6 . Create Fast Loading Pages

This is a practice that will give your visitors a better experience in your blog. Of course you do not want that your site is too slow : this may bore your reader and he can decide to leave your site.
If your pages are fast to load, visitors will have little difficulty moving between them. Conversely, if the pages load slowly, almost nobody is willing to navigate along your website or blog.
You should install a Cache Plugin, so it can cache pages and deliver them without accessing the database, making your site much faster. As you surely know, the loading speed is a factor that Google consider in search engine results.
I use “W3 Total Cache” : it is considered as the highest rated and most complete WordPress performance plugin.

7 . Divide a Complex Topic in Several Articles

You should apply this suggestion with moderation, but avoid forcing.
It is simply like this : when a topic is complex or too long to be explained, you can split it into several articles or posts.


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